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Selasa, 18 Juni 2013


By:Pastor Stenly Karwur
(A Simple Lecture for Church Planting Development)

Let?s take a short parable from the most common movie watched by young people: ?MATRIX?.  Have you ever watched that movie?  That movie tells us about the future fictive condition which placed the Robots gain over the reigns over the world.  At that time, the human were planted as many and produced in the tube to become robots??etc.   

Applied Lesson: The situation depicted so horrified when the life of human became no price anymore. Unfortunately, in the fact of the life, there are so many churches don't understand that they are now
running a spiritual plantation.  They tried to produce the spiritual discipleship massively.  In this condition, the number became basic of their target when they are launching a program.  And sometimes it became styles and measuring rod for the successful of the program.  (If we so not change this thought, then we will deeply out from the target of evangelism that Jesus tough.  Remember: The disciple can not be produce massively and the ministry must be launching by the peoples neither the program)

Did you know that Jesus never preached on being born again?.  In the third chapter of john, He talked to Nicodemus about the spiritual birth compare to the natural birth, but He never tough or preached to the people about being born again?.  You may ask yourself, "How can that be" That's the centerpiece of every evangelistic effort.  You're right. It is, but the Bible teaches that the church has placed the emphasis in the wrong place.  By making that the focus. We are actually lowering the standards, leaving people with the misconception that all they need to do is just be born again and discipleship is optional.  That is not what Jesus commended us to do.  I am not saying that being born again living eternally with Jesus is not important; it's essential!   I'm saying that we have changed the message from the way Jesus taught it.  Jesus said that we area to make disciples, followers of Christ.  When we ask people to accept Jesus as their savior, we need to teach them that this is the total commitment of one?s life to the Lord.  It means becoming a disciple of Jesus (John 8:30-32 says; As he spoke these words, many believed on Him.  Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on Him, if you continue my word, then are you my disciple indeed; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.  In these verses, Jesus was speaking to those who already believed on Him.  JESUS KNEW THAT ONLY THOSE WHO BECAME DISCIPLES WOULD TRULY BECAME FREE) 
BODY:  The purpose of the Discipleship is to"Glorify God" (John 15: and this should be reach through: "Outreach Evangelism" (II Timothy 2:2) and "Spiritual maturity" (II Timothy 3:10).  Without fulfilling these goals, it can not be say Disciple, indeed.

Strategy To Make Disciple In The Bible Practice 1. ????..
Jesus give "Example" to them through His life, start from the beginning of his ministry-His resurrection ( Explained from the Books of Matthew-John) 

Jesus asked them to ?Go and Make Disciple? (Acts 1:.  This is including bearing fruits, but how?  As a student, the disciples wonder: Who they are?  How big is the world? And how do they must share to the different languages in the world? 

Jesus supplied their needs.  Jesus forbids them to go until they are baptized with the Holly Spirit. (Acts 1:4-5; 2:1-4) 
The Disciples begun to preach the Gospel.  Question: Who is the preacher? The disciple or the Holy Spirit? Who added the believers into the number of the chosen people? Is the Disciple teaches them until they understand all doctrines and baptized other?  The fact was not.
i.   The Disciples just bravely proclaimed the Gospel of repentance.  The Holy Spirit made them believed and the Holy Spirit also who converted them.
ii.   Please understand! The work that is given to the Disciple is simple only to "PROCLAIM", and the other works is done by the Holy Spirit.

The Disciples became a "MODEL":  After the believers were added, then what should be done by the disciples?  They became a MODEL.  What kind of a model?
i.   They saw the Disciple were put into jail, suffered & persecuted as a martyr to testify for Jesus (Acts 4:17; 5:18, 40)
ii.  They observed how the disciples proclaimed the Gospel in every occasion and teaches them (Acts 3:14-15; 4:10, 33; 5:30-31; 41-42). They hear and they see?

The Results: Time of Examination when persecution of the Churches in Jerusalem appears.
i.   The Disciples still in Jerusalem because they already got the guarantees from High Priest Gamaliel (Acts 538-39), but the common believers has no any guarantees, so they suffered the difficulties and must run away.
ii.  The believer, whom already saw the Disciples? life until the dead of Stephen, became stronger and felt that it is common for them to suffer and do like Disciples.
iii. They spread out to Samaritan & Judea until to the end of the world.

Conclusion:  The new Disciple will only follow the "MODEL"or "EXAMPLE" of his/her mentor/Master.

1. Let?s learn how God teach me to become a model like Him.
2. Meditate the basic Principles of the Discipleship in the book of Revelation. (Rev 22:17)
     a. Practice II. Start this game by calling one of your students by its name to stand. In respond to your calling, he will stand up and turn his face to one of his known friends and also call by its name loudly. (Notes: while doing this, prepare your watch and observe how many minutes it can be spend to reach all the students in your class)

     b. The book of Revelation22, clearly depicted the strong invitation the Spirit (of God) and the Bright (the Church) to those who hunger and thirsty to receive something. "COME" and those who hear, shall say also: "COME" . This calling is continue.

Conclusion: The calling that is given to every young people to become a missionary is the calling to become true disciple that able to extend the hand of the spirit and the church to reach people to God.

Calling: today let us commit ourselves to spend our time to do this work for God.

3. Building Relationship: "Having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end" (John13:1).

Practice III. Having 3 minutes to let them write in the piece of paper whose character among the student that they dislike. After that you begin to arrange them by two, and give them 3 days to make observation among their friends and it should start in the class. (Notes: Within one week, all things must forget himself and focus on his friends: pray together, meditate together, memorize the verses together, he must take food and drink for his partner, no one allow to wash his own clothes, or his own dishes,etc? after three days, make observation on how their feeling, and how it change them? Remember: Great disciple love people and share their lives with others). 

In Jesus? ministry, His love for His disciples came first; their development and ministry came next. Like Jesus, you should seek to love each individual; spend time with him, eat with him, get to know him well. Jesus didn't just give lectures on the kingdom of God; He lived with His men and continually showed His love for them. Most mistakes in discipleship occur when we try to present information without seeing and loving the person. Seek to love an individual as Christ loves him, allowing Jesus to love him through you. 

Conclusion: When we learn to love another, although it is so pain, but it is the only way to train our self to duplicate Christ Character.

Calling: Let's we ask Jesus to help and teach us to be the true Disciple that can easily mingle and build relationship with other.


The Great Commissions still same at this present time (Matthew 28:20).  What is the barrier? Why only few people that willing to do the outreach and mature in spirituality, although so many times they made revivals in their life?
1.           Disciple must be done by the person and not the programs.  We can not put somebody in one program and wait to see the result as one product which should have a perfect in results.

2.           Disciple must ready to suffer time to every piece of his lifestyle that affects others.  Apostle Paul has proof it by saying: (Read in  Acts 20:31)

3.           Disciple must ready to spend time to prayer hourly, and from time to time communicates with God.

4.           Disciple should have understanding and passionate to teach how to meditate the Bible and explores the oracles of God?s Word to share to others.

5.           Disciple must constantly, demand and asks the Holy Spirit to transform that Word of God to his/her life.

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